
On Moving To....

I noticed lately that a lot of people I know have been moving to places I would have been scared or not even have dreamt of moving to.... maybe I'm just a scaredy cat... So, I started wondering- how do you think they did it ? Wouldn't they miss America ? What of language barriers ? How are they doing ? I hope they like it... and I was always too shy to ask but I was still extremely curious. Then one day, I decided I was going to ask to fuel my curiosity and share it with everybody!
I'll be starting a monthly series called On Moving To...... It will feature women and men that have moved to foreign countries asking them general questions that one would ask if they wanted to move to the country they are currently residing, and also fun good to know questions. Our first interview for next month is going to be from a friend - Courageous Caroline who moved from the US to Thailand and I'm so excited to share it with you! If after reading, you have any questions for the interviewee, please leave a comment below and I'm sure they will be happy to answer any questions! :) 

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